
Saving gesture

india is gearing up for the forthcoming conference in Geneva on trade related intellectual property rights ( trips). The government is going to amend the Copyright Act to bring the latest technologies including new digital-based processes and databases under protection. The final changes to the Act will be brought into effect after the deliberations at Geneva. The conference will be held from December 1-20 under the banner of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

A core group of the government consisting of representatives from the ministries of commerce and external affairs, science and technology department and the software industry has been set up to evolve India's position on the issues proposed to be taken up at the convention. India is strongly supporting the copyrights issue since it loses large sums of money on account of piracy of its intellectual property. It had made extensive amendments in its copyright act in 1994 in accordance with trips . The Geneva convention is likely to discuss the protection of new technologies and databases especially the information on Internet.

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