
Commotion, just that
Actions speak louder than words, says The Ruckus Society. This California-, usa, based organisation says it "provides environmental, human rights, and social justice organisers with the tools, training, and support needed to achieve their goals.' But how do climbing up buildings, flying giant banners and "assisting students in their protest for a free Tibet' help the environment? Ruckus demands that electronic voting machines be backed up by paper ballots. On March 7, 2004, International Women's Day, Ruckus trainers helped protesters foisted a banner in front of the White House saying "Fire Bush'. How did these actions draw attention to the environment? Ruckus and its allies have created a deck of playing cards that "expose some of the real war criminals' Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. A good laugh, but countless other us organisations are protesting the Iraq war. Where's the link between the war and its impact on Iraq's environment? Ruckus doesn't explain. It has to unfurl a "giant banner' against the Ford Motor Company.

Ruckus's training manual teaches volunteers about climber's knots and how to

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