

Around 1,300 industrial units in Delhi have been given closure orders by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee for their failure to meet environmental standards. These industries had not completed the pro forma for setting up common effluent treatment plants.

The Madhya Pradesh government is setting up a home for crocodiles along the Sone, Gopad and Banas rivulets. The 209 km-long and 200 m-wide sanctuary will be set up under the Wild Life Conservation Act.

The first assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) will be held in India in early 1998. It is likely to be the largest gathering of experts on global environment after the Rio summit of 1992. This was decided recently at a meeting of the GEF council in Washington.

India will have 73 more national parks, 79 wildlife sanctuaries and eight biosphere reserves in the near future. These will be set up under the Protected Areas Network Scheme, said the Union minister for environment and forests recently.

By the year 2000, more than five mil-lion people suffering from HIV infection will be in India, making it the world's most infected country, said Stefano Lazzari of the World Health Organization in Jakarta recently.

The Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board has launched a Rs 230 crore scheme under the National River Action Plan to clean the Sutlej river. The project, to be completed in five years, will rid the river of untreated municipal and industrial effluents.

The height of the Sardar Sarovar dam will be raised from the present level of 81.5 m to 110 m during 1996-97 after the rehabilitation and resettlement of oustees from Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. This was decided recently by the review committee of the Narmada Control Authority in New Delhi .

A national action plan for disease surveillance in the country will be drawn up by a 14-member sub-group set up under the ministry of health and family welfare. It will be chaired by V Ramalingaswamy of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

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