
Making our voices matter: a guide to environmental public hearings

Almost every other day in some part of India, a Public Hearing is held for obtaining the views of local people on proposed projects whether it is mining, dams, highways, thermal power plants etc. People generally participate with the genuine hope that their views will be considered by the decision makers. Unfortunately, the people are heard but their voice does not matter so far as the final decision is concerned. Projects are routinely approved without considering the concerns raised at the time of Public Hearing. At the same time, local communities and civil society groups are generally faced with a Public Hearing for the first time. With no previous experience, they lack the ability to effectively participate in the Public Hearing process. ‘Making our Voice Matter’ is aimed at equipping communities, local institutions and civil society groups to effectively participate in the EIA process and ensure that their views and concerns are taken seriously by the decision makers. It relies on legal provisions, Court decisions and experiences of Public Hearings across the country to help understand the Public Hearing process easily.