

On-line recycling
The World Resource Foundation, a British charity organisation, has started PRISM, an on-line service exclusively pertaining to recycling of waste products. The site offers an excellent range of recycling information, a broad database and an opportunity for enthusiasts to initiate and continue a discussion or a debate. The site also has extensive links to related websites and carries gists of waste management plans of every important organisation (New Scientist, February 10,1996)

Car loans on net
In what is predicted as a major over- haul of the way Americans borrow money to buy cars, US-based International Business Machines Inc (IBM) and the Chase Manhattan Bank announced a scheme for processing car loans over the net. With the IBM and Chase system, a dealer- ship manager and a customer fill out a standardised loan application form on a computer screen. The information is then encrypted and sent via the net to the computers at the Chase Bank and its other subsidiaries. The bank sends back an encrypted reply of acceptance or rejection.

Medicinal net
Bruce Merkin, a doctor at the community health clinic in Wayne, US, is about to put his patients' records on the net. Merkin and his colleagues at the clinic will record patient-notes electronically. The database would be expanded later by adding a summary of conditions and medical history. 'I do not want to wait 10 minutes to find out whether the patient is allergic to pennicilin or not,' remarks Merkin.

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