
Growing with the wind

Growing with the wind  global installed wind power capacity will increase by 39 per cent in 2001, according to the World Market Update 2000 prepared by btm Consult, a Danish wind industry consultancy. The update further states that wind power capacity in 2002 is expected to increase by 10 per cent, 16 per cent in 2003, only six per cent in 2004 and 20 per cent in 2005.

The year 2000 witnessed an increase of 15 per cent. In total, 4,495 megawatts (mw) of wind capacity began operating worldwide in 2000, with Germany and Spain taking first and third places for new installations, with additional capacity of 1,665 mw and 1,024 mw, respectively. The update reports that the us was the second key player in this boom, with installation of wind turbines increasing from 180 mw in 2000, to 1,440 mw in 2001. New plants were set up on the Oregon-Washington boundary and in Nevada. "But there is an uncertainty about the us situation beyond 2001, including the question as to how the Bush government will react to the climate issue,' the update states. The update also paints a gloomy picture for Europe

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