
For a good life

DISTINGUISHED medical and para-medical staff who gathered at a National Symposium on Hospital Equipment, Appliances and Technology held recently at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, deliberated on the issue of advancement of diagnostic, therapeutic, patient monitoring and support service equipment, and its relevance in primary, secondary and tertiary health care institutions.

"I firmly believe that the time is ripe for establishing a National Centre for Appraisal and Assessment of Health Technologies," said P S Bajaj, member, Planning Commission. A recent report of the Planning Commission has shown an unequal distribution of medical health service rural and urban areas. Seventy per cent of hospitals and 85 per cent of hospital beds in India are located in urban areas, whereas 70 per cent of our population lives in rural areas.

Bajaj said that it would be the responsibility of the proposed centre to provide total quality appraisal of any medical infrastructure referred to it for assessment.

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