
Integrated EIA report for developing integrated faceilities within the existing Kandla port at Kandla

An Integraged EIA report for developing integrated  faceilities within the existing Kandla port at Kandla was drawn up by Delhi-based Mantec Consultants Private Limited to collectively assess impact and suggest mitigation measures for nine sub-projects listed as part of this development plan. The "integrated" report includes development of:
  1. two barge jetties at Tuna and Khori creeks,
  2. oil jetty to handle liquid cargo at Old Kandla,
  3. upgradation of barge handling capacity at Bunder Basin,
  4. a railway line from NH 8A to Tuna Port,
  5. a multipurpose cargo terminal at Tekra off Tuna,
  6. construction of rail over-bridge at NH 8A near Nakti Bridge,
  7. mechanization of dry cargo handling facility at Kandla Port (Berth 7 & 8)
  8. ship repair/ building facilities, container terminal on a BOT basis and
  9. strengthening of two oil jetties.