
A scoop

  • 29/11/2005

A scoop a dark cloud is fast approaching the night sky of Chhattisgarh. The emergency briefing on the other side of the globe by the director of Convoluted Intelligence Agency (cia) just got over. President Push paced up and down in his Elliptical Room, this crisis is a bit confusing. Outside the Grey House, another contingent arrived, surrounded by men in black. Secretary of State Ms Price suggested the president talk to Pony Flair, a friend in need.... "Get me Pony,' president mumbled. The backroom boys were playing monopoly. They suddenly broke into laughter. President got annoyed. But in backroom monopoly, for the first time, plant genetics guys scored over oil guys.

"Pony, we got the wmd's a different me...this one is real.'

Back in Arjunnagar in Chhattisgarh, in the dark of the night, Jethro Sahoo is holding out with two hundred-odd brothers and sisters, with no knowledge of what was going on in the Elliptical Room. It is the sixth day of the highway barricade stopping movement of all trucks carrying jatropha seeds

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