
A book turns into a forum

When you're a foetus, hormonal messages determine every step in your development. From your brain to your toes, these messages fix you for life., is a warning that synthetic chemicals worldwide are disrupting these messages. Our stolen future, a book published in March 1996, asks: what will be the impact of these chemicals on humans and wildlife? Writers Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers called their book "a scientific detective story' about hormone-disrupting chemicals also known as endocrine disruptors.

That story has now turned into an online forum that tracks endocrine disruption, lists the myths and realities and tries to reach a consensus on the issue. The first myth it busts is this: you have been exposed and your family has been exposed to these chemicals. "No human has been born since the middle of the 20th century without some exposure, in the womb, to synthetic compounds,' the website claims. No one is safe: DDT has been found in human milk and organochlorines in farmed salmon.

The website gives links to several studies, figures and news reports done by independent researchers to prove its claims. It even connects visitors to people who don't agree. It suggests what we as consumers can do to stop the spread of these chemicals. "Are we threatening our fertility, intelligence and survival?' the website asks. With more evidence than you can handle, the website proves we are.

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