
Anti POSCO group attacked, police cordon villages

Anti POSCO group attacked, police cordon villages  the three villages in Orissa that face displacement due to posco's plans to set up a steel plant and a captive port, were cordoned off by the police recently. The situation took a violent turn when "pro- posco' groups attacked "anti- posco ' groups on November 29.

The anti- posco agitators say the violence was perpetrated by outsiders "sponsored' by the state, giving a pretext to the police to take over. "Around 200-300 people attacked our camp. They threw six bombs, torched our tents and broke our bicycles,' said Prashant Paikrey of the Orissa Bachao Andolan, a protesting group. Paikrey added they were conducting a peaceful protest on November 23, when the police tried to stop them.

People of Nuagaon, Gandhakujanga and Dhinkia