Target Jodhpur
In Jodhpur range, from 1991 to May 2007, the state's forest department has registered 650 cases under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Of these, 391 are minor crimes, such as cutting wood or grazing animals in the forest, for which offenders are let off after a fine. Of the remaining 249 cases, only 30 have been disposed of by the courts, 109 cases are either pending in court or are under investigation and 110 have just been registered, awaiting action.
The crime graph has remained largely constant. An officer of the department says in 1998-1999 there were 19 major incidents of poaching including the four animals that Salman Khan had killed. In 1999-2000, the number of poaching incidents was 18, while in 2000-2001 the number of incidents reached 27. While 15 cases of chinkara and four of blackbuck poaching were detected in 1998-1999, in 2000-2001, 23 chinkaras, three blackbucks and 1 sloth bear were poached. Since 2001, almost 56 animals have been killed by poachers.