

  • 30/10/2005

Amidst rising public discontent about Hong Kong's plunging air quality, the Hong Kong-based energy giant China Light and Power (CLP) recently announced that it will increase its renewable energy sources to five per cent of its overall capacity. The energy company produces about 18,000 megawatt power, of which one per cent is currently considered renewable. CLP's current investments in additional green projects are projected at around US$700 million.

Rising demand of palm oil and their expanding plantations, has threatened the population of orangutans. They might be wiped out within 12 years if palm oil trade is not regulated. "Almost 90 per cent of the orangutan's habitat in Indonesia and Malaysia have been destroyed. Some experts estimate that 5,000 orangutans perish every year,' said a spokesperson of the environmental group, Friends of the Earth.

Central America has been devastated by tropical storm rains, mudslides, floods and volcanic activity. Official death toll is around 652; 600 more people are reportedly missing. Guatemala, El Salvador, Chiapas, Honduras and Nicaragua are the worst affected. Guatemala has issued urgent call to the UN seeking US $21.5 million in aid.

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