
Not assisting reproduction

  • 14/05/2006

To check commercial abuse of assisted reproductive technology (art), China has banned the commercial donation and supply of human eggs and tightened its control over sperm banks. New rules state that medical institutions and staff who abuse the technology to assist surrogate pregnancies will face fines up to us $3,748.

The Chinese ministry of health recently issued a circular to restrict the use of a donor's sperm to impregnate no more than five women and to ban the supply of sperm to unauthorised institutions. It has asked sperm banks to record detailed information on the use of sperm specimens.

Egg donation and supply for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited. Unauthorised institutions are banned from using egg donation technology.

Up until March 2006, many institutions were authorised to offer art -related services and had established sperm banks. These institutions will have to stop these operations until they obtain government approval.

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