
At last

  • 14/04/2005

Sucralose is a sweetener patented by us -based Johnson and Johnson (j & j) and sold under the name Splenda in the us . In February 2005, the us Sugar Association along with consumer organisations Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Grange launched a website to create awareness about Splenda's harmful effects ( j & j 's ad campaign, the site says, misleads consumers by claiming Splenda is made from sugar and is natural. This is the first time industry and public interest organisations have backed negative information on a sweetener.

The us sugar industry is certainly seething. The association had, in December 2004, filed a lawsuit against j & j seeking an injunction to prevent them from misleading people. The artificial sweetener industry is also affected. Here's a rival to aspartame. Moreover, both Coca Cola and PepsiCo have decided to use Splenda for their diet drinks. But sweetener makers are also caught in a double bind. When contacted, the NutraSweet Company

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