
Right conception

  • 14/10/2004

researchers from the us-based University of California have found that women eating more vegetables, fruits and other foodstuff rich in proteins have less chances of giving birth to children suffering from leukaemia. Among the fruits and vegetables, carrots, string beans and cantaloupe reduce the risk the most, the researchers point out in their paper, published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control (Vol 15, No 6, August 2004).

To hunt down the anti-cancer agents, the team led by Christopher Jensen studied the diet pattern of 276 women. Of them, 138 had given birth to children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (all). Rest had healthy children (in other words, they were part of the control group). After meticulously monitoring the women's food habits before pregnancy, the team identified levels of glutathione and carotenoids

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