
Addressing climate vulnerability for power system resilience and energy security: a focus on hydropower resources

This paper aims to inform energy planners and investors about how climate change can affect power generation resources, particularly hydropower resources; and an approach that can be taken to address climate change risks, both at the project and sector level, to improve power system resilience and enhance energy security. As a clean and renewable energy source, hydropower can be a cornerstone of low emission development strategies (LEDS) that help countries enhance energy security and curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Energy security has regained interest because of ever increasing demand for energy, aspirations to provide energy access for all, worries about global scarcity of fossil fuels, and environmental concerns related to fossil fuel use. Now more than ever, there is a need for win-win solutions, as countries strive to meet national development goals, including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).