Ambala Unites For Record-Breaking Waste Segregation Project
Ambala: The OYE Ambala ! Campaign, which is an abbreviation for Open Your Eyes (a collective change, a better managed city and a cleaner Ambala). It started from July 18, 2017 and will continue for the next 90 days.The Campaign will build capacity, inform, educate, and communicate the necessity of waste segregation at source to all stakeholders of Ambala, including households, waste workers, supervisors, sanitary inspectors, government officials, businesses, health establishments, and shops to ensure maximum adoption, implementation and sustainability.
Teams have already been recruited and they are already conducting baseline studies, building capacity and already collecting segregated waste from 3,000 households in the initial phase.
The intent of OYE! Ambala is to address all the six major sectors - (1) Government Facilities, (2) Religious Precincts & Markets, (3) Academic Institutions, (4) Healthcare Facilities, (5) Hospitality Sector, and (6) Households, Offices, Retail, Street Vendors & Informal Settlements.
Apart from capacity building workshops, a key element of this project will also be to upgrade the waste infrastructure. To ensure unparalleled success, AMC will procure and distribute five lakh blue and green bins to all households. It will also procure 40 e-rickshaws to carry segregated waste. The Municipal Corporation will also initiate smart monitoring of 2.5 lakh households and ensure that the segregated waste will be delivered to ward-level collection centres in each of the 20 wards of Ambala.
Further, in the near future, to ensure daily door-to-door collection from all the households, a unique QR code will be generated and scanned by waste workers on a daily basis. With the help of this technology, the AMC’s Solid Waste Management (SWM) team will be able to visualize waste generation and disposal on a real-time basis.
For details contact:
Pawan Kamboj