Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution caused by tanneries in Jamau, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 25/08/2017
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of M/s Subhan Tanners & Others Vs Central pollution control Board & Others dated 25/08/2017 regarding pollution caused by tanneries in Jamau, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The tanneries had applied to the Tribunal to seek a direction to the State Pollution Control Board to conduct an inspection of their respective units on the ground that the deficiencies which were pointed out by the State Pollution Control Board have been removed and each of the units are compliant.
NGT directs that the the Pollution Control Board must ensure that before permitting the industry to start they have complied with all the recommendations and conditions of the consent and obtain permission for extraction of ground water.