Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding the issue of noise pollution caused by aircrafts in run way 11/29 of the IGI Airport, New Delhi, 24/11/2017
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Society for Protection of Culture Heritage, Environment, Traditions and Promotions of National Awareness (CHETNA) Vs Ministry of Civil Aviation & Others dated 24/11/2017 regarding the issue of noise pollution caused by aircrafts in run way 11/29 of the IGI Airport, New Delhi. NGT refuses to impose night curfew on landing or taking off of aircrafts at the IGI airport and more particularly on run way no. 11/29. The Court also directs all the official respondents to take all mitigating measures for reducing noise pollution and act in furtherance to the report of IIT in relation to construction of sound barriers.