Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding encroachments of green areas in Gurgaon, 19/09/2018
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Praveen Kakar & Ors. Vs. MOEF&CC & Ors. dated 19/09/2018. Allegations in this application, inter-alia, are that there is encroachment of parks in green areas in Block C of Sushant Lok, Phase I, Gurgaon. Illegal extraction and supply of ground water which is contaminated is taking place. There is absence of water harvesting system. There is absence of sewerage treatment plant. The sewerage of the area connects the storm water drain.

National Green Tribunal is of the view that these aspects need to be considered, in accordance with law by a joint Committee comprising of representative of Central Pollution Control Board, Town and Country Planning Department, Haryana, Delhi School of Planning and Architecture, Central Ground Water Authority and State Environment Impact Assessment Authority. The Committee may call its first meeting within one month and examine the matter and give a report to this Tribunal within one month thereafter.