Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding stone crushing units in village Karota District Mahendergarh, Haryana, 20/09/2018
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahendra Singh Vs. State of Haryana & Others dated 20/09/2018 regarding stone crushing units in village Karota District Mahendergarh, Haryana and consequential degradation of environment. It is stated that the site of the stone crushers is within 400 mts. from Aravali plantation and reserve forest of village Mukandpura and 70 mts. from an educational institutional i.e. Aravali College for Education for B.Ed., in violation of siting criteria for establishment of stone crusher.

NGT directs a Joint Committee to be constituted of comprising of Deputy Commissioner Mahendergarh, District Town and Country Planning Mahendergarh, Haryana Pollution Control Board and Divisional Forest Officer Mahendergarh to have a joint meeting to look into the allegations. The State Pollution Control Board will be convener for the meeting. A report of action taken will be furnished to the National Green Tribunal within one month thereafter.