Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding cutting of 203 trees for the Waste to Energy plant at Tehkhand, Okhla, Delhi, 26/09/2018
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of In Re: T. N. Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 26/09/2018 regarding cutting of trees in order to create the Waste to Energy plant at Tehkhand, Okhla, Delhi. The SDMC has filed a counter affidavit in which it has annexed the correspondence with the Tehkhand Waste to Electricity Project Limited. It has been stated that for felling of 203 trees, the Project Proponent will plant 2030 trees. In any event, out of 203 trees which are to be felled, as many trees shall be transplanted as can be in consultation with the Tree Officer.

Supreme Court while disposing of the Application directed the Project Proponent and the Tree Officer to discuss the modalities and arrive at an agreed solution so that the transplantation / plantation of trees is done in accordance with the assurance given by the Project Proponent.