Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding functioning of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for mining projects, Odisha, 29/10/2018
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Common Cause and Union of India & Others dated 29/10/2018 regarding functioning of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for mining projects, Odisha.

Justice A.K. Patnaik will be appointed as an Oversight Authority to consider the effective functioning of the SPV.
The following activities will be given preference:
(i) Provision of drinking water through piped water supply projects
(ii) Improvement of health services
(iii) Improvement of educational services
Further Supreme Court said that priority to the expenditure from the amounts recovered out of the judgment of the Court may be utilized in the districts of Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj and Sundargarh. However, Justice A.K. Patnaik is at liberty to ensure that the funds are utilized for nearby districts if it becomes necessary and if nearby districts are affected by pollution.