Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding rights of persons suffering from disabilities, 15/01/2019
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Rajive Raturi Vs Union of India & Others dated 15/01/2019. The SC had had passed the judgment and order dated 15.12.2017 whereby the States as well as the Union Territories were directed to file plans for accessibility in the built environment, transportation systems, and information and communication services for persons suffering from different disabilities.

Apex Court expressed its unhappiness at the indifferent attitude of the States and the Union Territories with regard to complying with the directions contained in the judgment. Further the directions which were given in the judgment dated 25.07.2018 are to the effect that provisions contained in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2017 should be fulfilled by providing necessary facilities to the persons suffering from different disabilities.
Supreme Court gives a last and final opportunity to all the States and the Union Territories to provide the information in the requisite format in respect of all the targets and ordered that it should be complete in every respect which would also include stipulation of targets dates as well.