Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding stone crushing units in the village of Nemakal in Bommanhal mandal of Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh, 16/01/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matte of M/s Maruthi Building Materials Vs The Member Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board & Others dated 16/01/2019 regarding stone crushing units in the village of Nemakal in Bommanhal mandal of Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh.

NGT asks the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad and the Central Pollution Control Board to depute competent experts as Members of the team to ascertain the following:
i. Number of stone mining and crusher units that the area can withhold and sustain.
ii. The sustainability of the number of such units shall also include the sustainability of the impact of such units in the surrounding villages and the environment.
iii. The adequacy of the anti-pollution devices adopted presently by the units and, if not adequate, further measures that would be necessary and
iv. Mitigation measures for any damage caused to the environment due to such operations.
Court further directs the Central Pollution Control Board and Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board to inspect the area in question and ascertain as to whether :
(i) The Mining operations are still continuing.
(ii) The Stone Crusher units are complying with the requirements which had been observed during joint inspection.