Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding mining units of Hindalco near Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, 29/01/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Hindalco Industries Limited Vs Union of India & Others dated 29/01/2019 regarding bauxite ore mining units of Hindalco near Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Supreme Court in its order dated 25/10/2018 ordered shutdown of bauxite ore mining units in Maharashtra functioning without obtaining wildlife clearance from the National Board of Wildlife. Hindalco has approached the National Green Tribunal saying that it should not be asked to seek permission from the National Board of Wild Life (NBWL) as its project has no impact on the wildlife.

NGT refuses to accept the submission of Hindalco in view of the provision of Section 5 C of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and also specific condition in the Environment Clearance granted to the industry which is subject to condition number 2(i) of the “A specific conditions” requiring assessment impact to be made.The Tribunal further directs Hindalco to furnish documents to MoEF&CC based on which impact of the project on the wildlife is to examined and the matter considered in accordance with the statutory requirement, in accordance with law.