Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding air pollution caused by the graphite dust emitted by Graphite India Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, 28/01/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shri Vijayaraghava Reddy & Others Versus Graphite India Limited & Others dated 28/01/2019 regarding high level of air pollution caused by the graphite dust emitted by Graphite India Limited located at ITPL main road, Bangalore, Karnataka.

The Court finds that inspections carried out by the Authority finds that the industry was grossly non-compliant of the requirement of environment mitigation measures. The Tribunal directs constitution of a joint Committee comprising of a representatives of CPCB, KSPCB and NEERI, Karnataka to carry out :
(i) To carry out stack monitoring of the industry
(ii) To carry out ambient air monitoring of the industrial unit and the surrounding area by setting up ambient air monitoring stations in at least ten different locations.
(iii) To carry out study on source apportionment of pollution sources.