Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal sand mining in the Brahmani river in Dharmasala Tehsil, Jajpur District, Odisha, 28/01/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ranjit Kumar Dora Vs District Collector Jajpur & Others dated 28/01/2019 regarding illegal sand mining in the Brahmani river in Dharmasala Tehsil, Jajpur District, Odisha. It is contended that there is rampant use of excavators while permission has been granted only for manual mining. There is excess mining and mining beyond the designated area. Depth of the sand mining has exceeded the permissible limits of 3 mtr resulting in the ground water level in the villages in the vicinity of the river.

NGT directs the District Collector, Jajpur, the SEIAA Odisha and the State PCB to jointly inspect the area in question and verify on the correctness of the allegations contained in the Original Application and submit a report before the next date.