Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding the large number of constructions within the CRZ-I area of the Sunderbans, 05/02/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion Regarding Sundarbans Forests Vs Union of India & Others dated 05/02/2019 regarding the large number of constructions within the CRZ-I area at Bakhkhali, Henry Island and at Manmathanagar, Gosaba block of the Sunderbans. Vide order dated 06.08.2015, the State had been injuncted from raising any construction within the CRZ-1 area or protected sanctuary area in view of the prohibition contained in the CRZ Notification 2011.

NGT directs the State to forthwith withhold further construction of the structures till further orders. Further the Court has been informed that the illegally constructed Godkhali Tourist Lodge was being converted into desalination plant and the work in respect of that was in an advanced stage.