Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding land in village Sarai Khawaja, Faridabad, Haryana is a forest, 05/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Lt. Col. (Retd.) Sarvadaman Singh Oberoi Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 05/03/2019 on whether the land measuring 52.2991 acres in Village Sarai Khawaja, Faridabad, Haryana is a forest as per stand of the officials of Forest Department of State of Haryana and whether the contrary view taken in letters dated 24.4.2017 and 1.5.2017 by the Additional Chief Secretary (Forests) of the State is illegal. Further M/s Ajay Enterprises Pvt. Ltd and M/s Bharti Land Limited, propose to develop residential complex in the area in question is in violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

NGT in its Order says the land in question is 'deemed forest' and that it is difficult to uphold the stand of the State of Haryana with which MoEF&CC has agreed that the area in question is not a forest area. Also the mere fact that the area is included in part of Sector 47 in the Master Plan is not conclusive to hold the same to be not covered by the definition of ‘forest’.