Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution in Kali Nadi, Krishna and Hindon Rivers resulting in diseases and deaths, Uttar Pradesh, 15/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Doaba Paryavaran Samiti Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 15/03/2019. The issue for consideration is the remedial measures for the abatement of industrial or other pollution in Kali Nadi, Krishna and Hindon Rivers resulting in diseases and deaths of inhabitants of the area.

Vide order dated 08.8.2018, the Tribunal referred to the studies showing that more than 71 persons died from cancer and more than 47 persons are bed ridden in the Gagnoli village in Baghpat District in Uttar Pradesh. More than 1000 people are affected by diseases in the area. Inhabitants of 154 villages were affected. The polluting industries in question are sugar mills, distilleries, paper mills, electroplating, slaughter houses, wet blue hides, etc. A report was filed before the Tribunal that found discharge of untreated sewage and industrial effluents in Districts Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Meerut, Baghpat, Ghaziabad and Gautam Budh Nagar is mainly responsible for the pollution of the river. It found that prosecution was initiated against 118 non-complying industries.
The Committee observed that it could not perform its functions with regard to health check on account of noncooperation of authorities and could not undertake awareness programme in absence of assistance of authorities. Hand pumps from which contaminated water is extracted and consumed are still functional. No measures have been taken by the authorities for supply of potable drinking water in the affected areas.
NGT accepts the report of the Monitoring Committee and directs the Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh to provide requisite logistics to the committee so that the committee can oversee the implementation of the action plan. Further a performance guarantee in the sum of Rs. 5 crores be furnished by the State of Uttar Pradesh to the effect that action plan will be implemented within six months.