Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding monitoring mechanism for compliance of conditions of environment clearance, 14/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sandeep Mittal Vs Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change & Others dated 14/03/2019. The issue for consideration is the monitoring mechanism for compliance of conditions of environment clearance evolved by the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC). The Tribunal had directed MoEF&CC to furnish data in respect of mechanism to periodically monitor the compliance of environmental clearance conditions.

The Tribunal expresses its dissatisfaction with information furnished by the environment ministry and calls it "wholly inadequate to evaluate the effectiveness of functioning of mechanism. Vide Order dated 10.1.2019, after considering the stand of the MoEF&CC that a mechanism existed to periodically monitor the compliance of environmental clearance conditions which was being strengthened. The Tribunal directed furnishing of the data in respect of such mechanism".
The NGT directs Dr. Sudheer Chintalapati, Member Secretary (NDS), Joint Director (S) IA Division (Monitoring), MoEF&CC who has furnished the data to remain present in person with the entire relevant data on the next date (29/04/2019).