Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution caused by Kuantum Paper Mill, District Hoshiarpur, Punjab, 14/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Residents of Saila Khurd, Raniala Vs State of Punjab dated 14/03/2019. The issue for consideration is the pollution caused by Kuantum Paper Mill adversely affecting the inhabitants of Saila Khurd, Raniala, Saila Kalan, Jassoval, Majari, Paddi Khusi and Pensara village, District Hoshiarpur, Punjab, by discharging polluted air and water. A joint report of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the Punjab State Pollution Control Board (PSPCB) submitted before the Tribunal says that the unit is non-complying with the effluent discharge norms stipulated under E(P) Rules, 1986 for BOD, COD & TSS parameters. The quality of ground water collected from tubewells of all three villages showed exceedance w.r.t acceptable norms forparameter, viz, total hardness, total alkalinity, but they are within the permissible limit of BIS standards.

The NGT notes that even though violations are serious but action taken is inadequate and PSPCB to take appropriate action in accordance with law. Further the Joint Committee may assess the extent of damage caused in monitory terms on settled principles requiring the compensation to be deterrent and adequate to meet the cost of restoration.