Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding untreated industrial effluents being discharged in Kharicut Canal, Khari river, Gujarat, 25/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ajitsinh Bhurubha Vaghela & Inhabitants of several Villages of Kheda Taluka, Distt. Kheda Vs State of Gujarat dated 25/03/2019 regarding untreated industrial effluents being discharged in Kharicut Canal which is meeting Khari River in Gujarat affecting irrigation facilities of the inhabitants and the only source of water for irrigation and for consumption by animals like cattles and sheep. Borewells have been dug in Bheraj, Pinngloj, Navagaon, Lali villages without permission of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB).

The NGT directs a Joint Committee of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the GPCB look into the matter and take appropriate action in accordance with law and furnish a factual and action taken report in the matter within one month.