Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding solid waste management in Gurgaon, Haryana, 23/04/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vivek Kamboj & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 23/04/2019 regarding solid waste management in Gurgaon, Haryana. The NGT expressed its displeasure at the "incapacity, incompetence and unwillingness of the Municipal Corporation, Gurgaon to perform its duty to handle solid waste in a scientific manner" and said the case has been pending for the last four years with the local authorities not performing their job.
The Applicant Vivek Kamboj has stated that solid waste is being dumped in Aravali forest. Leachate is generated which is flowing to the water bodies, contaminating groundwater and also polluting the surface water. The inspection report by CPCB noted that adequate steps had not been taken to deal with the matter. Further report was that there was huge accumulated legacy waste and there was no time targeted plan to take remedial measures. Waste to Energy Plant was to be set up after obtaining Environmental Clearance (EC). There was no segregation of the waste, no biomining or other requisite steps. There was continued damage to the wildlife and inhabitants of the area on account of air pollution by burning of waste. The Joint Committee to determine damages has sought time but it mentions that the status of existing landfill site is unsatisfactory. The legacy waste is about 25 lakhs tonnes. On daily basis, mixed waste is being dumped in violation of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 and the Sanitary Landfill Guidelines. The waste was being often burnt resulting in air pollution.
The NGT directs the Chief Secretary of the State to take action against officers handling the issue and submit an action taken report in the matter. Also submission of a report showing improvement in the ground situation.