Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding effluent discharge standards for STPs, 30/04/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Nitin Shankar Deshpande Vs Union of India & Others dated 30/04/2019 regarding effluent discharge standards for STPs as laid down vide Notification dated 13.10.2017.

The Tribunal through its order dated 21.12.2018 had said that the impunged notification would lead to deterioration of the water quality and ordered for the constitution of an Expert Committee which would give its report after examining the best available technologies and best practices. The Tribunal also directed stay of operation of the Notification till further orders.
The report submiited by the CPCP recomended for diluted standards for areas other than mega and metropolitan cities. The NGT said that water quality standards are required to be same for the population of major cities or other cities. The standards recommended for mega and metropolitan cities would also apply to rest of the country. The MoEF&CC has been called to issue an appropriate notification in the matter within a period of one month.