Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal sand mining on the river bed of Putulia, Paschim Burdwan, West Bengal, 07/05/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Joyanto Banerjee Vs State of Jharkhand dated 07/05/2019 regarding illegal sand mining on the river bed of Putulia (Runakura Ghat) Barabani, Paschim Burdwan, West Bengal.

NGT expressed its dissatisfaction with the report furnished by the District Magistrate, Burdwan which had stated that there was no violation of sand mining guidelines and said that the report cannnot be accepted in the absence of adequate particulars like photographs and other material. The Tribunal directed the Chief Secretary, State of West Bengal to look into the matter and have the facts verified at his level and a report be given to the Tribunal within two months.