Report on demarcation of Yamuna river floodplain in Agra and the construction in it, 09/05/2019
Report of the Joint Inspection Team in the matter of Uma Shankar Patwa Vs Union of India in compliance of order dated 11/03/2019 regarding demarcation of Yamuna river floodplain in Agra and the construction in it.

During field visit it was seen that area along flood plain has changed considerably due to construction activity and some of the drains have been filled up due to human activity. The flood plain area at many of places has been significantly filled up. Demarcated flood line in vicinity of eight properties was studied and mapped and many of the constructions were found to falling within the flood line.
The said that "taking stock of large scale development along the flood plain of river Yamuna in Agra, providing a buffer zone (of some reasonable distance say 25 to 50 m) beyond demarcated flood line may be advisable. This will help in providing space to the river in reaches near cities were river flood zones are always under threat due to pressure of urbanisation."