Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding sand mining in river Ken, Banda District, Uttar Pradesh, 31/05/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jagdish Prasad Nishad Vs Union of India & Others dated 31/05/2019 regarding river sand mining by Katyani Natural Resources Ltd. in District Banda, Uttar Pradesh in violation of Environmental Clearance (EC) conditions. Illegal mining by using heavy machines during night hours was causing damage to the flora and fauna of River Ken in District Banda, Uttar Pradesh. The mining has been done unscientifically and is unsustainable and in violation of EC conditions.

A joint committee comprising representatives of the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority and the District Magistrate Banda has been asked to furnish a factual and action taken report in the matter within one month.