Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding industrial effluents discharged in Kharicut Canal, District Khera, Gujarat, 01/07/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ajitsinh Bhurubha Vaghela & Inhabitants of several Villages of Kheda Taluka, Distt. Kheda Vs State of Gujarat dated 01/07/2019 regarding industrial effluents discharged in Kharicut Canal which is a tributary of Khari River in District Khera, Gujarat. Illegal bore-wells are also said to have been dug without permission of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB).

It has been brought to the attention of the Tribunal that the matter was considered by the Gujarat High Court (HC) in 1995 and the HC had directed 756 industrial units to pay 1% of one year’s gross turnover for 1993-94 or 1994-95 to be used for socio-economic uplift of the eleven affected villages. In spite of all this, the pollution has continued and the CPCB has identified Khari River in Lali Village as a polluted river stretch.
The NGT expressed dissatisfaction at the report submitted by a Joint Committee which showed water pollution taking place, but not the source and directs a fresh inspection by a team comprising of a senior officer of the (Central Pollution Control Board) CPCB and Member Secretary, State PCB. The CPCB and State PCB has been asked furnish report on the officers who have submitted the unsatisfactory report. The River Rejuvenation Committee (RRC) has been asked to take stock of the situation and furnish a report on the action taken.