Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding conservation of Son Gharial Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh, 04/07/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Nityanand Mishra Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Others dated 04/07/2019 regarding conservation of Son Gharial Sanctuary. The NGT in its previous order had directed the state of Madhya Pradesh to take immediate steps for implementing the Action Plan, as recommended by the committee constituted for conservation of the sanctuary and submit a report.

The Tribunal takes congnizance of the fact that even though the report was submitted no officer connected to the report was present and directed Dr. R. S. Parihar of the Regional Office, Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Rewa, and the Director, Son Gharial Sanctuary to be present before the Court on the next date of hearing. Further, the relevant record in respect of implementation of the action plan of the committee be presented and the concerned officer should explain the action taken on the recommendations.