Question raised in Lok Sabha on Radioactive Waste, 17/07/2019
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Radioactive Waste, 17/07/2019. The radioactive solid wastes generated during operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants are segregated and volume reduced prior to its
disposal. Disposal of these waste is carried out in specially constructed engineered modules such as reinforced concrete trenches and tile holes. These engineered structures are located both above and under-ground in access - controlled areas and are designed based on multi-barrier principle for ensuring effective containment of the radioactivity. The areas where the disposal structures are located are kept under constant surveillance with the help of bore-wells laid out in a planned manner by routinely monitoring the underground soil and water samples to confirm effective confinement of radioactivity present in the disposed waste. The practice is at par with international practices following the guidelines of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).