Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal operation of stone crushers in District Mahendergarh, Haryana, 24/07/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahendra Singh Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 24/07/2019 regarding illegal operation of stone crushers in District Mahendergarh, Haryana. The stone crushers are located near to plantation, reserved forest and educational institution. Further, the area suffers from scarcity of drinking water and if the stone crushers operate, the ground water would be illegally extracted.

A report was submitted by a joint Committee comprising representatives of the Deputy Commissioner Mahendergarh, District Town and Country Planning Mahendergarh, Haryana Pollution Control Board and the Divisional Forest Officer Mahendergarh. Two earlier reports were rejected by the Tribunal. The third report states that potable water continues to be drawn even though the area is critical in terms of ground water. Air quality norms have been violated at the cost of public health and environment.
Tribunal calls the report inadequate as it does not clarify as to how many stone crushers, if any, are legitimate which do not conflict with the environment. The Deputy Commissioner, Mahendergarh has been asked to close down all illegally operating polluting stone crushers in the area and initiate action against them. Conduct of officers, who gave the earlier two reports and withheld information would be looked into by the Chief Secretary, Haryana.