Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal sand mining on river bed of Sone river, Bhojpur District, Bihar, 29/07/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Anil Kumar Rai Vs Ministry of Environment & Forest & Others dated 29/07/2019 regarding M/s. Broadson Commodities Pvt. Ltd., illegally undertaking sand mining on the riverbeds of Sone River in Bhojpur District, Bihar, in the process of which many temporary bridges have been constructed over the river. Sand has been excavated at many places by digging upto the depth of 50 feet against the permissible depth of 3 meter, resulting in reduction of groundwater level in the nearby area.

The State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) Bihar, Department of Geology & Mining (Government of Bihar), the Bihar State Pollution Control Board and the District Magistrate, Bhojpur District has been directed by the NGT to jointly inspect the area in question and verify on the factual aspects and submit a report. If the allegations are found to be correct, appropriate action should be taken against the illegal miners. An action taken report along with the inspection report has to be submitted before the next date of hearing.