Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding Phase IV of Delhi Metro, 06/09/2019
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 06/09/2019 regarding Phase IV of Delhi Metro. Operational loss would be borne by the state government i.e. Govt of NCT of Delhi. "In case, the Metro suffers any loss, that is to be borne by the State Government, as the Metro is the local conveyance within the State and considering the nature of the facilities, the loss, if any, should be borne by the State Government" said the order.

With respect to the repayment of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) loan the government of Delhi has to provide support to ensure financial sustainability during operations and "ensure that the financial health of DMRC is maintained properly and no steps are taken so that it may run into losses." Further, out of the land cost of Rs. 2447.19 crores, 50% shall be borne by the Government of NCT of Delhi and 50% by the Union of India.