Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding violation of environmental norms by the industries in and around Dharuhera, Rajasthan, 13/11/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sumitra Devi Vs CPCB dated 13/11/2019 regarding violation of environmental norms by the industries in and around Dharuhera in Rajasthan.

The application seeks execution of NGT order dated December 12, 2017 directing that discharge from the Common effluent treatment plant (CETP) should be as per parameters which will be the responsibility of the Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation (RIICO) and the CETP operating society.
The Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB), Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Department of Environment of the State were to conduct joint inspections. Industrial units were to be inspected. Further directions issued included providing potable water to the villagers and clearing and dredging of all drains.
Grievance now put forward is that the authorities failed to comply with the directions of the Tribunal on account of which there was stagnation of untreated effluents and domestic sewage affecting the inhabitants in and around border town of Dharuhera in the States of Rajasthan and Haryana.
The NGT directed constitution of a joint Committee of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, CPCB and RSPCB to furnish a factual and action taken report in the matter within one month. Nodal agency would be the CPCB for compliance and coordination.