Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding adoption of Zig Zag technology by brick fields, West Bengal, 18/11/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Anurup Panda Vs Member Secretary, WBPCB & Others dated 18/11/2019 regarding adoption of Zig Zag technology by brick fields in the state of West Bengal.

The affidavit filed by the state shows that out of 4506 numbers of brick fields operating in the State, only 2027 had adopted the Zig Zag Technology.
The Tribunal directed the West Bengal Pollution Control Board to "ensure efficacious and expeditious action" and permit the brick fields which had adopted the Zig Zag technology subject to grant of consent to operate. The ones which were in the process of implementation should not be allowed to operate until the new technology had been installed.