Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding migratory birds dying in large numbers in Sambhar lake, Rajasthan, 20/11/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News item Published in “Hindustan Times” Authored by Rakesh Goswami Titled Sambhar’s ecology among worst: Report dated 20/11/2019 regarding migratory birds dying in large numbers in Sambhar lake, Rajasthan.

Carcasses of 18000 migrated birds were found at Sambhar lake 80 kms South West of Jaipur on 10.11.2019. Apprehension is that death of such large number of birds have taken place on account of violation of environmental norms in maintaining the eco system of the wetland in question including water quality, plant invasion in water bodies etc.
Keeping in mind the seriousness of the situation with respect to compliance of norms prescribed under the Wetland Rules framed under Environment (Protection) Act 1986, the Tribunal directed the factual and action taken report to be submitted jointly by the National Wetland Authority, Government of India, State Wetland Authority, Rajasthan, Rajasthan State PCB and District Magistrate, Jaipur. The State Wetland Authority will be nodal agency for coordination and compliance. The report has to be furnished before January 22, 2020.