Order of the Supreme Court regarding protection of Taj Trapezium Zone, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, 04/12/2019
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 04/12/2019 regarding environment protection of Taj Mahal. Among the various directions passed by the apex court are the following:
a. The Agra Municipal Corporation has been directed to submit the report (Environment Impact Assessment) of the waste to energy plant submitted by M/s Spaak Bresson Pvt. Ltd. to the NEERI.

b. SC refuse permission to build an additional terminal at the existing Agra airport.
c. The Union of India has been advised to take help from the Railways to solve the problem of increasing tourists but to keep in mind the fact that "it will serve nobody’s interest to have the area polluted with a resultant damage to the people and the heritage monuments."
d. The matter of permitting a metro service within the city of Agra has been referred to the Central Empowered Committee for considering its impact on the environment.